Venture Car 365 Terms and Conditions


Handling of Personal Information

  • The lessee (including a person who wishes to apply for a rental agreement) and the driver (hereinafter referred to as "lessee" and "driver" respectively) shall consent to the use of personal information of the lessee and the driver for the following purposes.


1.(1) To fulfill the obligations of the rental car operator based on the Basic Notice on Car Rental (Jitetsu No. 138, June 13, 1995, hereinafter referred to as the "Basic Notice"), including the preparation of a rental certificate.

2.(2) To verify and screen the identity of the renter or driver.

3.(3) To provide information on automobiles, insurance, cell phones, other products and services handled by the Company, or various events and services, etc.

4.(4) To conduct questionnaire surveys of lessees or drivers for the purpose of product development, etc., or for the consideration of measures to improve customer satisfaction, etc.

5.(5) To compile and analyze personal information after processing it into a form that does not allow identification of the individual.


2.2 The Borrower agrees that the Company may provide the Borrower's personal information to third parties to the extent set forth below; provided, however, that the Borrower may request that the Company cease providing the Borrower's personal information to such third parties.


  1. (1) Details of information provided: information related to the rental of the rental car, such as the vehicle class, purpose of use, date and time of commencement of the rental, and personal information, such as the name and address of the Lessee.


  1. (2) Purpose of use and to whom the information is provided: Venture Capital Co Ltd



  1. 3 We will publicly announce our handling of personal information on our website, etc. URL : httpl://


Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Application of General Terms and Conditions)


  1. Subject to the provisions of these General Conditions of Carriage (hereinafter referred to as "Conditions of Carriage") Any matter not provided for in these Conditions of Carriage and Bylaws shall be governed by law or common custom.


  1. The Company may accept special agreements to the extent that they do not violate the intent of the General Terms and Conditions. In the event of any special agreement, such special agreement shall prevail over these Conditions of Carriage.


  1. If the Lessee designates a different driver from the Borrower when concluding the rental agreement, the Lessee shall make known to the driver the obligations of the driver as set forth in the General Conditions of Carriage and Bylaws and shall ensure that the driver complies with them.






Chapter 2 Reservations

Article 2 (Application for Reservation)


1.Upon agreeing to the Company's prescribed fee schedule, etc., the Lessee shall make a reservation for a rental car, specifying in advance, by the method prescribed by the Company, and other conditions of rental (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions of Rental").


  1. Upon receiving a reservation request from the Lessee, the Company shall, in principle, accept the reservation within the limits of the rental car in the possession of the Company and the Conditions of Rental accepted by the Company. In such a case, the Lessee shall pay the reservation application fee prescribed by the Company, unless otherwise approved by the Company.


Article 3 modification of reservation


1.The Lessee shall obtain the Company's approval if he/she wishes to change the terms and conditions of the reservation.


Article 4 cancellation of reservations, etc.


1.1 The Lessee and the Company shall enter into the Rental Agreement by the Rental Commencement Date and Time.


2.2 The Lessee and the Company may cancel the reservation in the manner prescribed by the Company. If the rental agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Rental Agreement") is not executed at least one (1) hour after the reserved rental start time, the reservation shall be deemed cancelled regardless of the circumstances.


3.3 If the reservation is cancelled at the convenience of the Lessee, the Lessee shall pay to Peach a cancellation fee prescribed by Peach as otherwise provided, and Peach shall return to the Lessee the deposit received upon payment of such cancellation fee.


4.4 If the reservation is cancelled by the Company for its own reason, the Company shall return to the Lessee the reservation deposit received by the Company and shall also pay to the Lessee a penalty prescribed by the Company.


5.5 If a rental agreement is not executed for reasons other than those set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the reservation shall be deemed cancelled. In such case, the Company shall return the deposit received by the Company to the Lessee.


6.6 Neither the Lessee nor the Company shall make any claim against each other for the cancellation of the reservation or for the failure to execute the Rental Agreement, except as provided in this Article and the following Article.


Chapter 3 Lending

Article 5 (conclusion of rental agreement)

1.1 The borrower and shall enter into the Rental Agreement by clearly indicating the terms and conditions of the borrower and the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, respectively, in the General Terms and Conditions and the Schedule of Charges.


2.2 In order to enter the driver's name, address, type of driver's license and driver's license number in the rental book (rental slip) and the rental certificate or to attach a copy of the driver's license, In such case, the lessee shall be required to submit a copy of his/her own driver's license if deemed necessary.


3.3 Upon execution of the rental agreement, the Company may request the borrower to submit documents proving his/her identity in addition to the driver's license and may take a copy of the submitted documents.


4.4 Upon execution of the rental agreement, the Company shall request the borrower or driver to provide emergency contact information such as a cellular phone number.


5.5 Upon execution of the Rental Agreement, the Company may specify to the Lessee a method of payment such as credit card, cash, etc.


  1. 6 In the event that the borrower or the driver does not comply with the preceding paragraph 5, the Company may refuse to enter into the rental agreement and cancel the reservation


Article 6 refusal of rental agreement


1.1 The Company may refuse to enter into the rental agreement and cancel the reservation in the event that the lessee or the driver falls under any of the following items


1.(1) the renter or driver does not possess a driver's license required to drive the rental car


2.(2) If the renter is found to be under the influence of alcohol.


3.(3) When the renter is under the influence of narcotics, stimulants, thinner, or other intoxicants.


4.(4) When an infant under 6 years of age is allowed to ride in the car without a child seat. 5.


5.(5) If the driver or driver's is registered in the management system of the Japan Rent-A-Car Association (hereinafter referred to as the "ZENREKYO System") caution personal list.


6.(6) If the renter is recognized as belonging to a designated organized crime group, a member or affiliated person of a designated organized crime group, or any other antisocial organization. 7.


7.(7) When a person uses violent acts or language, or demands a burden in excess of a reasonable range from an employee or other related party of the Company in connection with a transaction with the Company.


8.(8) spreads false rumors or uses deception or force to undermine the Company's credibility or obstruct the Company's business; 9.(9) violates the Terms and Conditions or the Company's Articles of Incorporation.


9.(9) When there is an act in violation of the General Terms and Conditions.

10.(10) When the Company otherwise deems it inappropriate.


  1. 2 Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Company may refuse to enter into a rental agreement and cancel the reservation in any of the following cases.


1.(1) When there is no rental car available for rent.


2.(2) When the rented car is not equipped with a child seat even though the renter or driver has an infant under 6 years of age as a passenger.


  1. 3 In the event that Peach refuses to enter into a rental agreement pursuant to the preceding two Paragraphs, Article 4, Paragraphs 3 through 6 shall apply to the handling of the reservation deposit and the like.



Article 7 (Formation of Rental Agreement, etc.)

  • The rental agreement shall come into effect when the borrower signs the rental agreement and the Company delivers the rental car (including accessories, hereinafter the same) to the borrower. The rental agreement shall come into effect when the borrower signs the rental agreement and the Company delivers the rental car (including accessories; the same shall apply hereinafter) to the borrower. In this case, the reservation deposit already received shall be applied as part of the rental fee.


2.2 The delivery set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the time and place of commencement of the rental and at the place of rental. Upon execution of a rental agreement, the borrower shall pay the rental charges set forth in the following paragraph.


1.(1) Basic Charge

2.(2) Exemption compensation charge

3.(3) Special equipment charge

4.(4) Fuel charge

5.(5) Pick-up and dispatch fee

6.(6) Other Charges.


Article 8 (inspection and maintenance, etc.)


  1. 1 The Company shall inspect the Rental Car in accordance with Article 47-2 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance) and Article 48 (Periodic Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Vehicle Law and shall perform the necessary maintenance before renting the Rental Car to the Lessee.


2.2 Upon rental of the Rental Car, the Lessee or the Driver shall inspect the exterior of the Rental Car and its accessories in accordance with the separately prescribed inspection list to confirm that the Rental Car is free from any defects in maintenance, etc. and that the Rental Car meets the conditions of rental.




Article 9 (Delivery and Carrying of Rental Certificate, etc.)


1.Upon delivery of the rental car, the Company shall deliver the rental certificate to the renter in writing (including by electromagnetic means such as e-mail).


  1. The Lessee or the Driver shall carry (including carrying by electromagnetic record) the Rental Card issued in accordance with the preceding paragraph while using the Rental Car.


3.The Lessee or the Driver shall immediately notify the Company of the loss of the Rental Card.


Chapter 4 use

Article 10 (responsibility of the lessee to manage the rental car)


1.1 The renter or the driver shall use and keep the renter with the care of a good manager from the time the renter or the driver takes delivery of the renter until the the  return the renter to the Company (hereinafter "During Use").


2.2  The Lessee or the Driver shall use the Rental Car in compliance with all laws, regulations, terms and conditions, operating manuals and any other usage instructions provided by the Company.


3.3  If the renter or driver uses toll roads such as expressways, toll parking lots or other toll services , the renter or driver shall pay at his/her own responsibility.


4.4 In the event that the lessee or the driver uses the ETC System and the toll road operating company, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Toll Road Operating Company, etc.") makes inquiries concerning the lessee's or the driver's non-payment of toll charges, etc., Toll Road Operating Company may disclose to the Toll Road Operating Company, etc. information concerning the lessee or the driver.


Article 11 (prohibited acts)


The renter or driver shall not engage in any of the following acts during the usage of the rental car.


1.(1) Use the Rental Car for the purpose of motor transportation or any similar purpose without the Company's consent and permission under the Road Transportation Law.


2.(2) Use the Rental Car for any purpose other than the designated purpose or allow any person other than the driver specified in Article 7 to drive the Rental Car; (3) use the Rental Car for any purpose other than the designated purpose


  1. (3) Subletting the rental car, allowing a third party to use the rental car, or using the rental car as collateral for any other act


4.(4) Forging or altering the vehicle registration number or vehicle number plate of the rental car, or altering the original state of the rental car, such as remodeling or refurbishing the rental car.



5.(5) Use the Rental Vehicle for any kind of test or competition (including those deemed as competition by the Company), or to tow or push another vehicle, without the Company's consent.


6.(6) Use the Rental Car in violation of the law or public order and morals.


7.(7) Take out damage insurance for the rented car without the Company's consent.


8.(8) take the rented car out of Japan


9.(9) To do anything that will cause significant inconvenience to the Company or other Renter (including but not limited to leaving items in the Rental Car, smoking in a non-smoking vehicle, or otherwise defacing the Rental Car).


10.(10) To commit any other act that violates the terms and conditions of the rental agreement or the terms and conditions of the rental agreement.


Article 12 (illegal Parking)


If the Lessee or the Driver illegally parks the Rental Car in accordance with the Road Traffic Law, the Lessee or the Driver shall immediately report to the police station having jurisdiction over the area where the illegal parking took place (hereinafter referred to as the "Police Station Having Jurisdiction") and pay the Penalty Fines and other fees for illegal parking and the costs of towing, storage, pickup, etc. associated with illegal parking at his/her own responsibility and expense.


Article 13 (GPS function)

  1. The Lessee and the Driver agree that the Rental Car may be equipped with a Global Positioning System ("GPS Function") and that the current location and route of the Rental Car will be recorded in the system prescribed by the Company, and that the Company will use such recorded information for the following purposes.


1.(1) To confirm that the rental car has been returned to the designated location at the end of the rental agreement.


2.(2) To confirm the current location of the Rental Car and other information when deemed necessary for the management of the Rental Car or the performance of the Rental Agreement, etc., as provided in each item of Article 25, Paragraph 1.


3.(3) To use the information for marketing analysis to improve the quality of products and services provided to the lessee and driver and to enhance customer satisfaction.


2.2 The renter and driver agree that record information may be used as specified in the preceding paragraph for research and development purposes for traffic system and map generation technology, after processing the record information into a form that does not identify or specify the individual renter or driver.






Article 19 (drive recorder)


  1. The RENTER and the DRIVER agree that the RENTER and the DRIVER may have a drive recorder installed in the RENTER's vehicle and that the driving conditions of the RENTER and the DRIVER will be recorded and that the Company may use such recorded information for the following purposes



  1. (1) In the event of an accident, to confirm the circumstances at the time of the accident.


  1. (2) To confirm the driving conditions of the Lessee and the Driver when deemed necessary for the management of the Rental Car or for the performance of the Rental Agreement, etc.


  1. (3) To use the information for marketing analysis to improve the quality of products and services provided to the renter and driver and to enhance customer satisfaction.


  1. 2. The Lessee and the Driver agree that the Company may process the Recorded Information set forth in the preceding paragraph into a form that does not identify or specify the individual Lessee or Driver and use said Recorded Information for research and development purposes for automatic driving, advanced safety technology and map generation technology.




Article 20 (ETC Card Lending Service)


  1. when using the ETC Card Rental Service, the Lessee and the Driver shall agree to the following matters before using the ETC Card Rental Service.


1.(1) Toll charges during use shall be settled in full for the information recorded in the IC chip of the ETC card upon return of the rental car.

*There are toll adjustments or discounts that are not recorded on the IC chip.

(Transit toll adjustment at the time of road closure, ETC discount service of some road operators)


2.(2) If it is discovered that a toll has not been paid at a later date, additional payment will be made.


3.(3) If the ETC card is lost or stolen, etc., the lessee shall notify the Company and the driver shall compensate the Company for any damage caused by unauthorized use of the ETC card by a third party, etc. arising from such loss or theft.


4.(4) The Lessee and the Driver shall deal with any trouble caused by the negligence of the Lessee and the Driver (except for what is recognized as a traffic accident), and the Company shall not be responsible for any such trouble.


5.(5) The Borrower shall not lend the ETC Card to any third party.


6.(6) If the rental car and the ETC card are not returned after the rental period has expired, the renter agrees that SBM may request the road operator to suspend the use of the rental ETC card.


7.(7) In the event that the Company receives an inquiry from a road operator regarding the ETC card user (including after the expiration of the rental period), the Company shall disclose the user's personal information, including name, address, and contact information, upon request.

Article 21 (termination of agreement)


The Lessee may cancel the Rental Agreement. In such case, the Company shall return to the Lessee the balance of the Rental Charges received, less the sum of the Rental Charges corresponding to the period from the time of delivery to the time of return and the cancellation fee.


Chapter 5 (RETURN)


Article 22 (Liability of Lessee for Return of Rental Car)


(1) The Lessee shall return the Rental Car to the Company at the designated place of return by the expiration of the Rental Period.

If the RENTER is unable to return the RENTER within the RENTAL PERIOD due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, the RENTER shall immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions.




Article 23 (confirmation of rental car, etc.)


1.(1) The RENTER shall return the RENTERED CAR in the presence of the COMPANY in the condition in which it was delivered, except for deterioration or wear resulting from normal use or damage caused by reasons beyond the control of the RENTER or the DRIVER.



Article 24 (Timing of return of rental car )


1.1 In the event the rental period is extended without the Company's consent pursuant, the lessee shall pay the rental fee corresponding to the changed rental period or the sum of the rental fee before the change and the excess fee, whichever is lower.


Article 25 (Measures to be taken if the rental car is not returned)


  1. In the event that any of the following events occur to the Lessee, the Company shall take legal action such as filing a criminal complaint, take necessary measures to locate the rental car using the GPS function, report the non-return of the rental car to the Japan Car Rental Association, and register the rental car in the JRCA system, etc.


1.(1) The Lessee does not respond to the Company's request for return of the Rental Vehicle despite the expiration of the Rental Period.


2.(2) The Lessee's whereabouts are unknown or otherwise deemed to be unreturnable.


Article 26 (Agreement on Registration and Use of Rental Information)


Notwithstanding the provisions regarding the handling of personal information at the beginning of the General Conditions of Carriage, the Renter agrees that if any of the following items applies, information based on the objective fact of the loan including the borrower's name, date of birth, driver's license number, etc. (hereinafter "loan information") shall be registered in the JRCS system and the list of persons to beware of loaning for a period not exceeding 7 years The Renter agrees that the information based on the objective fact of the rental including the driver's license number, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Rental Information") will be registered in the ZENREKYO system and the Rental Notice List for a period not exceeding 7 years.


(1) The Lessee or the Driver fails to pay to the Company the parking fines by the date designated by the Company


  1. 2 Notwithstanding the provisions regarding the handling of personal information at the beginning of the General Terms and Conditions, the lessee agrees to the following:


1.(1) That the rental information registered in the ZENREKYOU System will be used by the ZENREKYOU and its member rental car associations and their member businesses.





Chapter 6 Measures in the Event of Breakdown, Accident or Theft


Article 27 (Breakdown of Rental Car)


If the Lessee or the Driver discovers any abnormality or breakdown of the Rental Car during use, the Lessee or the Driver shall immediately stop driving the Rental Car, notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions.


Article 28 (accidents)


In the event of an accident involving the Rented Car during use, the Lessee or the Driver shall immediately cease operation of the Rented Car and, regardless of the size of the accident, shall take the measures required by law and shall take the following measures


1.(1) Immediately report to the Company the circumstances of the accident and follow the Company's instructions.


(2) Cooperate with our company and the insurance company with which we have contracted to investigate the accident, and submit any documents, etc. required by our company and the insurance company without delay.


(3) obtain the Company's prior consent before entering into any settlement or other agreement with the other party with respect to the accident.


2.2 In addition to the preceding paragraph, the Lessee or the Driver shall be responsible for handling and resolving the accident.


Article 29 (theft)


In the event of theft or other damage to the Rental Car while in use, the Lessee or the Driver shall take the following measures


1.(1) Immediately report the theft to the nearest police station.


(2) Immediately report the damage to the Company and follow the Company's instructions. 3.


(3) Cooperate with the Company and the insurance company with which the Company has contracted to investigate the theft or damage, and submit without delay any documents, etc. required by the Company or the insurance company.


Article 30 (Termination of Rental Agreement due to Loss of Use)


1.1 The Rental Agreement shall terminate if the Rental Car becomes unusable during the Rental Period due to breakdown, accident, theft or any other reason (hereinafter referred to as "breakdown, etc.").


2.2 In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall be responsible for the costs of retrieving and repairing the Rental Car and the Company shall not refund the Rental Charges already received by the Company.


3.3 If the breakdown, etc. is caused by reasons beyond the control of either the Lessee, the Driver or the Company, the Company shall refund to the Lessee the balance of the Rental Charges received, less the Rental Charges corresponding to the period from the time of delivery to the end of the Rental Agreement.


4.4 The Lessee shall not have any claim against the Company for any damage arising out of his/her inability to use the Rental Car except for the measures provided in this Article. The RENTER shall not be liable to the COMPANY for any damage arising out of the RENTER's failure to use the RENTER's vehicle, except in cases where the failure was caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the COMPANY.


Chapter 7 compensation and indemnification


Article 31 (Compensation by lessee)


1.(1) The Lessee agrees that if in the event that the renter or the driver causes damage to the rental car (including the rental car rented by proxy pursuant to Article 38), the renter shall compensate for such damage. However, this shall not apply in cases where the damage is caused by reasons not attributable to the lessee or the driver.


2.(2) In the event that the lessee is liable for damages pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the lessee shall pay for any damage caused by accident, theft, breakdown due to reasons attributable to the lessee or the driver, or inability of the Company to use the rental car due to stain, odor, etc., as set forth in the rental fee schedule, etc. The lessee shall pay for such damages.


3.3 The Lessee or the Driver shall not be liable for any damage to the Rental Car while the Rental Car is in use.


4.4 Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs, in the event of a disaster designated as a "severe disaster" under the Act on Special Financial Assistance, etc. to Deal with Severe Disasters (Act No. 150 of 1962) (hereinafter referred to as "Severe Disaster"), the lessee or driver shall not be required to compensate for any damage to a rental car that is lost, damaged or otherwise damaged due to force majeure in the area designated as such Severe Disaster, unless such damage is caused by the lessee or driver's intentional or grossly negligent act.


Article 32 (Insurance)


If the Lessee is liable for damages under the General Conditions of Carriage, or if the Driver is liable for damages of the preceding Article, the Lessee or the Driver shall not be required to pay compensation for such damages.


(1) Unlimited coverage for bodily injury per person (50,000 yen deductible)


(2) Compensation for property: unlimited per accident (50,000 yen deductible)


(3) Vehicle coverage up to the market value per accident


(4) Personal injury compensation ¥30 million per person


  1. 2 Any damage for which insurance benefits are not provided and any damage in excess of the amount of insurance benefits provided under the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the borrower or driver.


Article 33 Cancellation of Rental Agreement)


The Company may cancel the Rental Agreement and demand the return of the Rental Car immediately without notice or demand if the RENTER violates any of the provisions of these Conditions of Carriage during the Rental Period. In such a case, the Company shall return to the Lessee the balance, if any, after deducting from the Rental Charges already received by the Company, the Rental Charges corresponding to the period between the time of rental and cancellation and the amount of compensation for damages resulting from the cancellation.


Chapter 9 (Miscellaneous Provisions)


Article 34 ()


Whenever the Company owes a financial obligation to the Lessee under the General Terms and Conditions or the Bylaws, the Company may offset such obligation against any financial obligation owed by the Lessee to the Company.


Article 35 (Consumption tax)


The Lessee shall pay to Peach any consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on transactions pursuant to these Conditions of Carriage and the Bylaws. The Lessee shall pay to Peach the consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on transactions under the Conditions of Carriage and the Bylaws.


Article 36 (Late payment charges)


In the event that the Lessee and the Company fail to perform any of their obligations under these Conditions of Carriage and the Bylaws, the Lessee and the Company shall pay to the other party delay damages at the rate of 14.6% per annum.


Article 37 (Governing Law, etc.)


  1. The governing law shall be the laws of Japan.

2.If there is any inconsistency between the Japanese version of the Terms and Conditions and the English or other non-Japanese version, the Japanese version of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.


Article 38 (Provision of Information on Important Matters)


(1) The Company shall provide the lessee with information in clear and plain language as following, prior to the rental of the leased equipment, in detailed regulations.


  • The Lessee shall endeavor to understand the contents of the General Conditions of Carriage.


1.(1) The Company shall display the General Terms and Conditions, etc. to the Lessee in one of the following ways:


2.(2) Posting the Conditions of Carriage, etc. in a conspicuous place of business (including displaying them on electronic devices such as displays, etc.).


3.(3) Posting on a website, etc. in a manner that is easily viewable by the public


4.(4) In writing (including electromagnetic methods such as e-mail)


5.(5) Presentation in writing (including e-mail and other electromagnetic methods)



Article 39 (Court of Jurisdiction)


Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the rights and obligations under these Conditions of Carriage and Bylaws shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company's head office.


Supplementary Provisions The General Terms and Conditions shall come into effect as of July 1st, 2024.